Matt and Kirsty believe very much in the idea of being registered for their work and also having the backing of a reputable organisations that allow the public to feel safe and secure in the knowledge that they have been assessed and they have received the necessary training in which to deliver the services that they offer on this website.
Training and accreditation is important to them. All qualifications in the Holistic, Clairvoyant and healing fields require on-going training and continuous development and CPD. As part of their commitment to improving standards, Matt and Kirsty both undertake regular training, and gaining of awards, which prove their competence in their chosen disciplines.
Matt has achieved Certificates of Recognition from the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College in the U.K and from the leading organisation the Spiritualist National Union. Matt has gained the Certificate of Recognition in both Demonstrating (CSNU d) and in Speaking (CSNU s) as well as his Platform Accreditation Scheme in Speaking and Demonstrating (PAS - s, d). He holds the Church Administration Accreditation Scheme (CAAS ) and Healing Accreditation Scheme (HAS) also with the Spiritualist National Union (SNU). He is presently working towards his CSNU in Healing CSNU(h), as part of his ongoing spiritual journey and progression within the field of healing mediumship.
Matt has completed his accreditation with The Institute of Spiritualist Mediums. He is allowed to use the initials ISM/RAM - Institute of Spiritualist Mediums/Registered and Accredited Medium, for completion of this award.
Matt holds academic qualifications in Mediumship, Parapsychology, Inspirational Speaking, Healing, Mediumship in the Altered States and Religion and Life Philosophy at level 2. He holds Level 3 qualifications in Parapsychology, Public Speaking and Mediumship with ABC and Focus Awards. He also holds a Certificate in Spirit Release Therapy (Cert. SRT).
Kirsty is a Certified Medium with United Spiritualists who are an organisation who work at uniting Spiritualists and who promote high mediumship standards for those working on platform in Churches/Centres in the U.K. and United States of America.
She holds qualifications in Mediumship in the Altered States with Focus Awards. Kirsty also holds a Certificate in Spirit Release (Cert. SRT) Healing and Tarot
Matt and Kirsty hold qualifications and public liability insurance in Healing. Kirsty is affiliated with The Healing Trust as a Qualified Healer and Matt is affiliated with SNU and Kent Healers Association. Matt and Kirsty are also Angelic Reiki Master/Teachers, and Matt is a Usui/Tibetan Master and Teacher.
Kirsty is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist and registered with boards such as the Past Life Therapist Association and The International Hypnotherapy Association.
Matt and Kirsty are qualified Tarot readers and both are registered with The National Tarot Readers Association (NTRA) and abide by their Code of Ethics.
Matt is also a qualified First Aider, and has this to assist in the delivery of Workshops, Events and Public Demonstrations.
Matt and Kirsty are both OFQUAL qualified Adult Teachers and Trainers and hold qualifications in Education and Training at Level 3 and 4. Matt also holds qualifications at Level 5 in Training as well as both being registered with Society of Education and Training (SET). This is the leading body of teachers and trainers for post 16 learners in the U.K.